Security Professionals
Security Professionals
Ecodrive window films offer indoor sun protection that is high endurance as well as cost-effective. We assist security professionals by providing security and safety solutions to strengthening the glass exteriors as well as indoor glass installations. Window films add an extra layer of protection to the glass, changing fragile windows into armours against breakage and accidents, including all threats from nature and human impact.
Ecodrive films prove that contemporary window tints are more than a decorative film, they also add to the safety and sustainability of the buildings by increasing energy efficiency, security and the longevity of the infrastructure.
Key Benefits:
- Increased security with thick protective lamination
- Ensured safety against natural forces like rain, wind or hailstorm
- Holds together the shards of broken glass from scattering on breakage
- Toughen the glass exteriors against a break-in and robbery
- Hassle free one-time installation that is durable